Saturday, August 9, 2014

Summer Cruise Wrap Up

Owls Head Light
In our last episode we followed PYC's intrepid cruisers as they began the 2014 Summer Cruise, visiting Boothbay Harbor and enjoying a lobster bake on Warren Island.  We will now share photographs and details from the later portion of the Summer Cruise.

John and Pam at Warren Island

David and Gail at Warren Island

Tony, Hilary and family at Warren Island
After Warren Island, we had some free days before our next rendezvous in Northeast Harbor.  Unfortunately, into each downeast cruise some fog must drift and we got a healthy dose of it (and rain) as we traveled from Penobscot Bay to Mount Desert Island.  Allison and I spent a night in Castine, then visited Atlantic Boat Company - builder of Duffy lobster boats - in Brooklin.

A foggy encounter in Eggemoggin Reach

Blue Hill Bay Lighthouse

The sun returned for our arrival at Mount Desert Island, where we toured beautiful Somes Sound before mooring in Northeast Harbor.

Somes Sound
S/V LYNX in Somes Sound
That evening, Dick and Janice hosted us for cocktails and appetizers on board S/Y MAINE SAIL.
Janice, Gail and Betsy in Northeast Harbor

David and Dick in Northeast Harbor
In Northeast Harbor our cruisers enjoyed hikes in Acadia National Park, sightseeing and popovers at Jordan Pond, and the Asticou's lovely gardens.  Allison and I were joined by my brother and our eight year old nephew, who was not afraid to take a dip in Maine's chilly water!
Boy overboard!
Cookout at the WoodenBoat School
Our next destination was the renowned WoodenBoat School in Brooklin.  After arriving, our cruisers gathered onshore for a cookout and smores on the school's rural campus.  The next morning we were treated to a tour of classrooms and workshops where a variety of wooden craft was undergoing construction or renovation.

WoodenBoat tour

WoodenBoat tour
From WoodenBoat, our cruisers dispersed to anchorages around Penobscot Bay before rejoining again at Seal Bay on Vinalhaven.  There, we met onshore for a picturesque happy hour on one of the bay's wooded granite islets.
Hay Island Happy Hour
S/Y STARBIRD in Seal Bay

After Seal Bay I spent a day in tranquil Maple Juice Cove, where Andrew Wyeth painted his masterpiece Christina's World.  That night I was entertained by drills on board two nearby Outward Bound boats.
Outward Bound boats in Maple Juice Cove

Marshall Point Lighthouse in Port Clyde
The Summer Cruise participants spread out as they returned home, but we still enjoyed a few more gatherings along the way.  I met Jim and Betsy for a dockside dinner at the Dip Net in Port Clyde.  Later, Dick and Janice anchored with me for a night in the Basin's peaceful waters.
S/Y MAINE SAIL in the Basin
Cookout on Little Snow Island
The final event of our Summer Cruise was a cookout on Little Snow Island in Quahog Bay.  It was a wonderful sunny afternoon to meet with friends and share stories from two weeks exploring Maine's coast.
Little Snow Island campsite